One of the most amazing gifts that God has given me is my mother….
She has always been there for me when I needed her, and even more when I thought I didn’t. Needless to say, back in the day when I was still learning about the art of permanent makeup and I needed a human sacrifice to practice on, there she was. Ready and willing to allow me to tattoo eyebrow, eyeliner, and lips in the hopes that I would not mess up too horribly!!. Lucky for her I took my craft seriously and did a wonderful job. I am grateful to my aunts, cousins, and best friends who also allowed me to practice on their beautiful faces. In fact, I am eternally grateful to all the ladies in my life who have had a positive influence on me, and have helped me grow into the woman I am today. With that said, I’d like to share a before and after photo of my mom and the makeup I did for her back in 2002 when I was still learning. She was 68 years old at the time!! Thanks mom, I LOVE YOU………!

“My child is small and frail and needs much tending. I bathe her and comb her hair. I give her medicine and encourage her to eat. I kiss her goodnight, and tell her I love her. I am 60. My child is 97. Roles have reversed. I am the mom. My mother is the very special child.” ~By Doris Roberson
Call or email Mara for a free consultation at: 919-653-8997 or