We are not doctors, we are artists. However, it is our recommendation that clients take Benadryl® prior to their procedure. Benadryl® is an over the counter antihistamine used to treat sneezing and runny nose for allergies. If you don’t want to take it, that’s okay.. Again, it is only a recommendation to help during your procedure.
If you wear contact lenses, bring your glasses.. Expect light to moderate swelling and redness. Ice packs may be used to minimize the swelling. Use A&D Ointment or Vaseline around the treated area for 2-3 days following the procedure. If possible, please take Benadryl® or an antihistamine the day of your procedure before your visit. It will help with tearing eyes and nasal congestion.
If you have a favorite eyebrow pencil, bring it to the appointment. Expect slight swelling, thickness and/or redness for 2-3 days. Keep lightly glossed with A&D Ointment® or Vaseline®. Wash with warm water and pat dry. If possible, please take Benadryl® or an antihistamine the day of your procedure before your visit. It will help with tearing eyes and nasal congestion.
If you have a favorite color, bring it to the appointment. Expect moderate swelling for two days. Apply ice to minimize the swelling. Use A&D Ointment® or Vaseline® until the last little scabs fall off. Use chap stick or Burt’s Bees® with SPF of 15 or greater to protect the color from the sun. Lips will feel chapped.
Keep area away from water for 24 hours. Keep moist with A&D Ointment® or Vaseline® for 3-5 days.
- Do not use any Retin-A, Glycolic Acids, peroxide, or Neosporin® while healing.
- Do not scrub or pick treated area.
- Do not dye or tweeze your eyebrows for a week following the procedure.
- Do not use toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide for 5 days (Lip procedure).
- Avoid facials, swimming, and/or whirlpools for at least 5 days as the chlorine will fade and alter the color while healing.
Failure to follow post-procedure instructions may result in loss of color or discoloration of pigment. The known possible complications of permanent makeup are swelling, puffiness, bruising, dry patches, and tenderness. It is normal to lose approximately 1/3 of the color during the healing process. After the initial procedure, the color may be a shade too dark, in six days it will appear too light. After 10 days the color will show more. Permanent makeup procedures are affected by the canvas (your skin) that they are performed on. If your skin is sun damaged, thick and uneven in texture, or excessively dry or oily the results cannot be expected to be perfect after the initial procedure. A follow up visit is usually done 30 days after the initial procedure to ensure the best results and to keep your makeup looking its best.
It is recommended that you “freshen-up” up the color once a year. YOUR FACE is your biggest asset! Your smile and the expression in your eyes are the first thing people notice. Invest in yourself and keep the makeup looking fresh by using sunblock daily and touching up the color once a year. Wake UP With MakeUp!